The state of Colorado uses a colored, Covid dial to identify the level of restrictions needed in each county across the state. The most restrictive, a complete shutdown, is purple. Then red, which is Summit County’s current level. Orange is next and the level Summit County will be on January 4th. Lower risk colors are yellow, blue, and green. Beginning Monday, January 4th, Summit County occupancy limits improve to orange level restrictions.

Covid numbers still high
Colorado’s governor, Jared Polis, pushed to allow all level red counties be adjusted to level orange beginning Monday even if their numbers don’t officially allow it. Summit County is in that category. Numbers in Summit County have been declining since the beginning of December. However, they have not come down low enough to qualify for level orange without having the governor’s intervention.
Improving to level orange
Summit County improving to level orange means the new restrictions allow all restaurants to operate with indoor dining at a level of 25% of occupancy. It doesn’t sound like much but that is a victory for restaurants that were limited to take out and outdoor dining through the holidays. Bars, unfortunately, still have to remain closed.
Here’s a quick overview the Town of Frisco put together:
- Personal gathering size: Up to 10 people from no more than two households
- Ski Areas: Locally determined Level Red capacity limits at ski areas will no longer apply; ski areas will be allowed to operate at their state-approved plan capacity limits.
- Restaurants:
- Indoor dining allowed at ALL restaurants, not just those with a “5 Star” certification
- May operate at 25% of the posted occupancy limit indoors not to exceed 50 people, excluding staff, whichever is less, per room. Restaurants may also use any existing, licensed outdoor space for in-person dining.
- On-premises sale, consumption and service of alcohol must stop by 9:30pm
- Takeout alcohol sales must stop by 10:30pm
- Dining parties limited to 10 people from no more than two households; patrons in different parties must be spaced a minimum of six (6) feet apart.
- Employee records- Restaurants must collect current contact information for all employees, dates of all shifts worked by all employees, and other known places of employment for each employee.
- Bars: Closed
- Lodging – hotels, motels, and short term lodging accommodation rentals of 30 days or less (e.g., Airbnb, VRBO, timeshares, RV parks, bed and breakfasts, condo-tels, lodges and retreats)
- Up to 10 people from no more than two households may be in one unit.
- Owners and/or entities responsible for the booking and renting of lodging units must confirm the identity of all renters upon arrival to ensure all individuals are arriving from no more than two households.
- Employee records- Lodging businesses must collect current contact information for all employees, dates of all shifts worked by all employees, and other known places of employment for each employee.
- Gyms/fitness: ALL personal fitness providers (not just those with a “5 Star” certification) may operate at 25% capacity or 25 people, whichever is fewer; outdoor groups limited to 10 people.
- Retail: 50% capacity, with increased curbside pickup and delivery; dedicated senior/at-risk hours encouraged.
- Personal services (e.g., salons, massage): 25% capacity or 25 people, whichever is fewer.
- Face coverings: Individuals must wear face coverings over nose and mouth whenever indoors in areas open to the general public, and outdoors when six (6) feet of physical separation cannot be maintained.
- High risk populations: Strongly advised to stay at home.
- Child care: open, standard ratios.
- P-12 schools: In-person suggested. Counties are encouraged to prioritize in-person learning by suspending other extracurricular and recreational activities in order to preserve effective cohorting.
- Higher education: In-person, hybrid or remote, as appropriate.
- Offices: 25% capacity; remote work strongly encouraged.
- Indoor events: 25% capacity or 50 people, whichever is fewer.
- Outdoor events: 25% capacity or 75 people, whichever is fewer.
- Group sports: Outdoors in groups of 10 or fewer.
- Outdoor guided services: 25% capacity or 10 people, whichever is fewer.
Wear your mask, wash your hands, social distance
Some things haven’t changed and probably won’t for the foreseeable future. Even with the vaccine rollout underway, we have a minimum of a few more months where 2021 looks and feels just like 2020. Hopefully Covid numbers will continue coming down and more and more restrictions will be lifted.
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