Interest rates are up, inventory is low, prices are up. This has everyone asking is now a good time to buy real estate? Why would anyone want to buy a home right now? Rents are up too. Staying in a rental is not a great option. Rents go up almost every lease period. If you […]
Fair Plan for Colorado Homeowner’s Insurance
As hail storms sweep across the Denver Metro area and eastern plains of Colorado this spring, auto and homeowner’s insurance is top of mind for many. Premiums have been increasing, that is obvious. Less obvious is that some homeowners are receiving cancellation notices and/or having trouble finding new coverage. Mountain properties are feeling the impact, […]
Hiking Tenderfoot Trail in Dillon
The sun really hits this hillside. That makes hiking Tenderfoot Trail in Dillon a great early season hike when other trails are still snowpacked. It’s also a good early morning hike before the heat of the day. It’s a moderate hike that takes just a couple of hours. And the views are spectacular! Tenderfoot Trail […]
Real Estate Inventory is Building as Listing Season has Begun in Summit County
The week leading up to a holiday weekend is a great time for new listings to come on the market. The week before Memorial Day weekend this year is holding true to that. Real estate inventory is building, probably more quickly than normal, as we kick off listing season in Summit County. Summer is selling […]
Free Live Music around Summit County
Big Consequences for Colorado Homeowners with Long Term Tenants
The state of Colorado has been busy passing housing laws. The latest, SB24-094, is a bill to protect long term tenants from living in conditions that impact their life, safety and health. While we applaud the intent, this bill could go too far and end up with big consequences for Colorado homeowners with long term […]
A Hyperlocal Summit County Real Estate Market
With some properties seeing multiple offers and selling above list price, others struggling to sell at lower prices, it appears that the Summit County real estate market is quite confused. Stats say that average sales price is climbing even though we are definitely seeing declines in parts of the market. Just looking at the Summit […]
Mountain Biking in Summit County
New Long Term Rental Rules in Colorado
The housing shortage has put the legislative spotlight on everything housing related. From affordable housing, short term rentals, zoning and property taxes to long term rentals. Recently, the Colorado legislature passed a new bill that the governor signed into law this April. It puts into effect new long term rental rules in Colorado. Colorado housing […]
REALTOR® Associations Fight for Homeowner Rights
There has been a lot of negative press recently around the National Association of REALTORS® (NAR) and, more specifically, the lawsuit and recent settlement. It is important to point out, at times like these, that NAR and the local REALTOR® Associations spend a lot of time in the fight for homeowner rights. Lobbyists fight for […]